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Sea transport remains fully operational amid COVID-19 and I would like to assure you that Unifeeder's first priority is to help our customers find...
We continue to follow the COVID-19 situation closely and we take appropriate measures to protect the health and safety of employees, business...
New London Gateway service starting February 2020.
We are excited to announce that Unifeeder has acquired a 77% stake in The Feedertech Group, a Singapore-based feeder and shortsea operator.
The 2017-retrofitted ‘Wes Amelie’, a 1,036-TEU feeder container ship operated by Unifeeder, will become the first vessel in the World to run on...
Unifeeder is introducing an upgrade to our current services connecting Benelux and Sweden.
On September 21th, 2019, the world’s first container ship retrofitted with a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) engine, “Wes Amelie”, received LNG through a...
More and more companies move the transportation of goods from road to sea. That makes for a safer, more financial and sustainable supply chain.
GreenSteam, the leading supplier of vessel-based machine learning solutions, and Unifeeder, the largest, Pan-European feeder and shortsea operator,...