Employee Well-being and Working Conditions
Unifeeder is an international company with offices and representatives in many countries around the North Sea and Baltic Sea.
Management believes that diversity better enables Unifeeder to generate ideas and develop business while at the same time strengthening Unifeeder spirit. Unifeeder wishes to develop and benefit from the collective potential of all employees and strives to have all employees realise their full potential. It is consequently important that all employees are offered equal opportunities for development and career, regardless of gender, religion, age, sexual preferences, geographical origin or otherwise. Motivated employees are regarded by Unifeeder as one of the cornerstones of success.
The cooperation between employees and management is based on honesty, both when it comes to the positive and the negative message.
Starting point is the individual employee's performance and needs, and each employee per annum has minimum two development meetings where managers and employees discuss the employee's current performance and future development, as well as the cooperation between the manager and the employee and the working environment in the company.
Equal opportunities and focus on diversity is an integrated part of Unifeeder’s policy for Employee wellbeing and working conditions. Opportunities for development and career must be available for everybody possessing skills and showing intention and shall in no way be restricted by the person gender, nationality, age, sexual orientation and religion or other like factors.