
Instant access to your actual & accurate carbon emissions

Get access to your actual emissions at specific TEU level - FOR FREE!


Based on real life data

Accurate and Actual

The industry practice is to use historic, generic data for calculating Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. But now you can get access to your actual emissions at specific TEU level. Get real data instead with the Unifeeder tool - Actual Emission Tracker

The existing calculating methods give a good estimate but by using the comprehensive amount of data, we have access to as part of our operation, we are in fact able to set up a much more detailed and actual measurement.

Counting in weather, routing, utilization etc.
Our Actual Emission Tracker shows the emission for the actual container transport by calculating the emission for the entire voyage and then distributing it on a container or tons level, duly considering the distance sailed by each container, weather conditions, the weight of the container, the utilization and numerous other factors.

Moving Goods Greener
Unifeeder is dedicated to reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and has set a target to be NET ZERO by 2050. Achieving this will require several initiatives to reduce fuel consumption and finding alternative fuel types. Unifeeder is taking part in the climate partnership The Blue Denmark as well as being a member of the Getting to Zero coalition in order to be at the forefront of the development.

"This CO2e tracking tool is significantly more accurate than what is generally seen in the market ."


Data from actual voyages 



Next step

HOW to access your data!?

You have two options:

  • An API is available for direct and universal connection between the Unifeeder Data Platform and customer databases
  • Our Actual Emission Tracker Interface presents data in a customer tailored reporting format for overview and individual filtering and exporting

After deciding whether to get a link to your data or an integrated API solution, you can access your data at anytime. Via the Actual Emission Tracker your data is based on real life data of the actual voyage, including:

  • Routing - down to specific TEU level
  • Weather conditions
  • Actual utilization of capacity of the specific vessel
  • Simple and intuitive tool
  • Terminal handling*
  • Land-based transport*

Have a look at our sandbox version, and see for yourself how easily you can access the data.  

As we base our tracking on real life data it is needless to say that we can only track voyages of our customers.

Still not moving your cargo with Unifeeder? Reach out to us here!


*The data is precise and accurate regarding the emission stemming from the sea leg of the logistics chain. So far, emission data related to terminal handling and land-based transport is not available at the needed detail level, but Unifeeder is working persistently on obtaining such data from our suppliers. In the interim Unifeeder is relying on the international standards published in GLEC. The Tracker will be updated continuously, improving the accuracy for these parts as well.